Carolina Volleyball Camps utilizes the outstanding facilities at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, which includes Carmichael Arena – Home of the Tar Heel Volleyball program, Eddie Smith Field House – 12 court facility exclusive for summer volleyball camp operations, Fetzer Gym - full air-conditioned 6 court facility, and the Dean E. Smith Center – home to UNC basketball and our summer volleyball camps. Campers will have an opportunity to explore the campus and the volleyball facilities while training with the UNC volleyball coaches, players and an outstanding cadre of coaches.
All camps are open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender).
The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; and the NCAA. is NOT responsible for any injuries sustained by a student participant. NCAA rules prohibit payment of camp expenses (transportation, camp, tuition, spending money, etc.) by representatives of the University of North Carolina’s athletic interests. Furthermore, NCAA rules prohibit free or reduced camp admissions privileges for prospects in the 9th grade or above.